Sunday, May 1, 2011

Last Update. The very last....

What a great showcase. It's nice that so many students and teachers and parents show up in support, especially since it's just a once-a-year kind of thing. I feel an especially close sense of community in two classes within Lakeridge, and those are AP art and my French class. Moreso AP art than French. I'm going to miss this class so much come summer. It's been a great year so far.

HOGWARTS FOREVER (because we all know that's where I'm off to year after next). Obviously, in the words of the great Professor S. Snape.

Monday, April 25, 2011


I am now, as of yesterday, officially done with my concentration! Well, technically that was last Friday, except that I wanted to do a new piece to replace a particularly crummy one I did at the beginning of the year. Here are my last two concentration pieces (both about the meaning of life): 

Any feedback is appreciated.

*also, please note the sarcasm in the parentheses of that third sentence* Turn to page 394, turn to page 394, in the words of the great Professor S. Snape. Two months and three weeks before HP comes out.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Still tomato red. Don't know what to say after that picture. mmmm...well, I spent most of today working on my second concentration piece. it's an acrylic, smaller than what I've done in the past. the smaller size is really quite nice. 11 by 14 inches. Going to go look for some more canvases that size. Still tomato red. I'd post pictures except that I'm using my grandma's computer. The other concentration piece is very different than what I'm used to doing. It's a pen and ink drawing with pastel over the top, and much more imaginative. Personally, I think it's a bit more interesting than many of my previous pieces. it might turn out a mess. we'll see. Someone's watching Merlin in the other room. My brother, if you can believe it. I can hear the theme music from all the way across the house. Who would have thought? Somewhat less tomato red. Recovering. Harry Potter comes out in three months! I'm about halfway through the third book right now. Rereading in preparation for the last movie. Harry and pals are all so sweet and innocent. HP is definately my comfort series. Face returned to completely normal color. Heart still beating somewhat faster than normal. Mortification mitigated.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Today I have a piano recital, which I'm not particularly excited about. The piece I have to play is both the fastest and longest piece I've ever played in my life, and my hands always start shaking whenever I get up on stage. In fact they're shaking now. I've got an hour and a half left before I have to go. Maybe I'll go do some art. I don't know. Or practice breathing exercises.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I was volunteering at the library yesterday, unloading bins and such, when this book called Stickwork by Patrick Dougherty came through. This guy makes sculptures and other structures out of sticks on a very large scale. The book had some pretty cool pictures. Anyways, I got really excited and started flipping madly through the pages. Well, then I thought the library ladies might start shooting me evil looks for not doing what I was supposed to be doing, so I put it down and sent it through check-in. Except then the lady at check-in picked it up and started flipping through the pages. Anyways, here are some images:

I gaze at my computer screen in awe.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

And so ends spring break (suppress your disappointment)

ah, yes. brace yourselves for another grueling two and a half months of school. honestly, I don't think I've ever been so relieved with the arrival of spring break. so, as usual, at the beginning I had an entire mental list of things I was going to do to get myself organized. and, as usual, I completed about a twelth of them. that would be vacuuming, and completing homework. foremost, I wanted to clean out my room and my backpack,  which unfortunately gets quite heavy as it is weighed down by the accumulated weight of last semester's papers. when my room gets too messy, I can't think. anyways, I did just finish both my concentration pieces for this month, which is a great relief. I love our art class. I'll miss it come summer. Okay, here are the concentration pieces: (feedback would be greatly appreciated)

I struggled quite a bit with this top piece. Well, actually, I had quite a bit of fun. The rocks were all done with a palette knife, which gives nice texture--I just had a hard time making them look like rocks. I haven't done much palette knife work in the past. Maybe just a few spots here and there in some of my past paintings. It's a really different style than what I'm used to, but I absolutely love using the palette knife.

This was the first piece I finished, and throughout the entire time I worked on it, I felt like something just wasn't right. It wasn't until I was cleaning off my palette that I realized that I had put that one bush right smack in the center of the painting, vertically speaking. Maybe sometime I'll crop it. But right now, I'm sort of sick of looking at it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

HP coming up

Hmmm. What to write, what to write. Four months and two days until Harry Potter 7 comes out! Yeah!

Well, this week hasn't been all too exciting. Eat, sleep, do homework. Eat, sleep, do homework. Last night (Friday) my family and I watched this rather bad King Arthur movie. There were all these sappy falling-in-love scenes that were great for snickering at. Well, actually, I pretty much snicker at any falling-in-love scene. In general, I don't watch romantic comedies. They all seem the same.