Thursday, October 21, 2010

Well hello....

Well hello everyone. So I am experiencing a bit of a predicament...with my self-portrait project. All of the proportions are way off! My head is bigger than everything else and my arm looks puny. It's incredibly annoying. Now I'm not really sure what to do. I'm tempted to take an exacto knife to it and cut out the arm, move it over just a smidge. But that sort of reads like disaster....When I went into this project, I was determined to do a self-portrait that actually looked like me. Thwarted again. It is my goal, before I die, to do such a thing. Anyways, I've been sort of disappointed with the way my last few projects turned out. They've all had this "If only I had done this..." air about them. But alas, perhaps the hat project will turn out okay (that, my friends, is hope).

And now onto Harry Potter. For anybody who hasn't already predicted this, there will be mention of Harry Potter in every one of my blogs up until the movie premiere. And then probably throughout the rest of the year. Anyways, I was writing an essay for English last night on transcendentalist ideals and trying not to be sarcastic when I noticed something rather odd. As I was proof reading the paper, all of the h's and p's and r's suddenly ran together, and I was reading Harry Potter over and over again. Hurry became Harry. No exaggeration. Can't say I liked "Into the Wild" very much, but hey, kudos to those that did. By the way, I went searching for pirate/Harry Potter garb today. I've got a red and gold tie sitting right next to the computer at this very moment. My dad never wears it anyway. He despises ties. For any major hp fan out there, tickets went on sale Tuesday afternoon at Bridgeport! So many people are going to be zombies on Friday....

P.S. Fleur! Read the books! Heheheh.

1 comment:

  1. I would have to disagree! I rather enjoyed Into the Wild. but that's just me! good luck on your portrait! i'm sure it will turn out fine!
