For the last few minutes, I've been searching for spider pictures online. If I come into class tomorrow looking like death, it will be because I had spider nightmares all last night. I could definitely not handle a concentration on such a thing. At this point, very few things will get me over such a fear.
In response to Zoe's comment on my last blog, what I described referred to a Harry Potter reference in my first blog. It also took me six tissues to clean up the spider, contrary to what I said earlier. I accidentally smashed the spider to smithereens, so their was some...ah...dust to clean up.
Finished my hat project, by the way. It's hiding in the depths of my closet where my cat can't get to it (nor anyone else). At this point, I'm rather paranoid that something will happen to it. My self-portrait, on the other hasn't really been getting anywhere for the past week. I'm really nervous for the critique tomorrow, because I'm not happy with it and everything's way out of proportion. Up close, it's not so noticeable. But far back...and I'm cringing. Going to make some last minute adjustments, but most of the stuff that drives me crazy isn't really fixable....
Amy! So I had this dream last night that it was the night of the premiere and I didn't have a costume! It freaked me out, I think it's a sign that I should go get a costume now XD