Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dear Amy, You Will Not Procrastinate

Dear Amy,
This month, you will not procrastinate. You will write a 4 to 6 page paper about your life story without sarcasm. You will not spill pasta all over the kitchen floor. You will not eat all the Twizzlers while watching Harry Potter. You will clean out your backpack. You will study for the SAT and learn a bunch of smarty-pants words that no one really uses in normal conversation except to sound smart, which really bugs you, but you will learn them anyways because they're on the SAT and you want to get into a good college. Honestly, why do people utilize the word "utilize" when they can just say "use"? Efficiency, efficiency. Okay, I admit that there are some pretty good words in there. SOME. And you will not procrastinate in learning them. You will not procrastinate at all.

Yours truly,
yours truly

Anyways, thanks for all the feedback on my last two concentration pieces, for those that commented! I really like this online critique business. I feel like I can express my thoughts more completely. And it also allows for an extra work day in class.

Oh! Does anyone happen to be taking AP physics currently? I'm trying to decide which science class I want to take next year and I'm wondering what it's like. If anyone could share their thoughts, that would be great. Thanks!


  1. Amy your blog makes me happy....does that sound creepy? i will happily remind you not to procrastinate in math class, and use, excuse me, utilize me reminding you not to procrastinate as a way for me to procrastinate on doing math homework :)
